Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Bush: The Genius Moron

Probably the most off the wall issue which constantly pops into my head each time I hear political discussions these days, 99% of which are related to President Bush, is this idea that Bush is somehow a “genius moron”. I honestly don’t know how else to put it, the same people who point out his ever present blunders are often the same who in the next breathe accuse him of heinous crimes one would otherwise attribute to some kind of super villain. Let me be honest, I am not the biggest fan Bush could hope to have, I tend to be conservative in many views (traditions, social values, & business) and liberal in many others (pro-choice, stem cells, religion).
Regardless of my views, I think most of us can fairly easily recall a talking head or friend who makes these genius moron statements. They often say things which go something like “Bush can’t pronounce nuclear correctly and did terrible in school”, while soon after saying “Bush constructed the situation in Iraq simply to put money into the pockets of the military-industrial complex, while also ensuring the long term control of the religious right and duping Tony Blair”. These statements seem to be very much mutually exclusive. To all the anti-Bush people out there saying these things, which is it? Is he too stupid to speak the English language or come across to the public as at least a semi intelligent person or some kind of evil architect of a Evangelical Christian New World Order?
In my mind he seems to be a man of average intelligence with less than stellar PR skills, born into a rich, politically powerful family, who (I’m trying to be fair here) may or may not be leveraging his Christian faith as a driver. I being no fan of publicized religion tend to think of the use of such (highly conservative Christianity in the US) in any public election as an appeal to the lowest common denominator. In this I think Bush, even if “stupid”, has surrounded himself with skilled analysts who tell him to appeal to the fears of Christian America. So we get a President who plays a game of bold moves shadowed under humble God fearing morals, all of which somehow works out in the heads of his supports.
It all boils down to this: make up your damn mind. We’ve certainly shown we don’t have to love the man, but let’s be logical in our disapproval; he can’t actually be a genius moron. If he is then he must be the only one in existence, and that just might make him somehow electable to a third term. Don’t ask him how he’ll do it, just sit back and watch him bumble into a truly glorious 12 years.

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