Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Carolla Booted From DWTS

I'm sad to say my man Adam Carolla was booted from Dancing With the Stars last night. Of course I'm partially sad that I would watch such a show, but even if it makes me a flaming homosexual, I enjoyed watching Adam. There is a certain quality to watching your guy in competition; a competition in which he stands alone as the representative of your culture/values.
The average viewer of DWTS is certainly not of Carolla's fan base, which brought me in as a viewer with some reservations. A certain stigma existed around such a show... with fruity dancing and "playful" mincing. Regardless of such, I and many other fans watched Ace be, well, Ace. He sure didn't knock the socks off the judges at any point, working to shield his lack of dance prowess with humor. This approach was great in the eyes of his fans and downright offensive to many of his detractors.
In the end I can only say I am actually sad that it's over, for reasons less related to dance and more related to the group effort behind Adam. Rooting for him while awash in a sea of dancing strangeness, and checking the Carolla Show message boards before/after each show. I guess I won't have a reason to yell and cheer at my TV in the name of dance again anytime soon.

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